Veni grant for POPNET Fellow Vera de Bel

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Veni funding for the project of POPNET Fellow Vera de Bel “The more the merrier? The role of step-grandparents in complex family networks”. The project will utilize register data, also used in the …

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Job opening: PhD position (4 years, fully funded)

Leiden University’s computer science department (LIACS) is seeking an enthusiastic and well-qualified PhD candidate in network science, a field also referred to as complex networks or social network analysis. The position is for 4 years and is fully funded. The …

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POPNET collaborates in SSHOC-NL to enhance future digital infrastructure

The new collaboration, Social Science and Humanities Open Cloud for the Netherlands (SSHOC-NL), will enable researchers to securely and ethically connect and analyse a large amount of data. This will help them address most pressing social issues, such as polarisation, social inequalities and the changing environment. 

Hackathon about anonymity in data was a great success

How anonymous is an individual in a social network dataset? That was the main subject of the hackathon organized by POPNET and Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on May 3 at Leiden University. By looking at openly available data on the internet, students had to derive the social network of several volunteers. The results give insight into what network data can be derived from public data, and therefore to what extent people in networks are really anonymous.

POPNET project officially started

The Population Scale Network Analysis for Social Sciences and Humanities (POPNET) project has started on April 1, 2021. The interdisciplinary consortium, consisting of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Leiden University (LU) and Statistics Netherlands (CBS), has come together to build …

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